Sue Fortune MSc, Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist
Calgary region,Skype and phone consultations available!
Is this your normal:
● “I have so many issues, I don’t know where to start”
● “I am constantly reliving hurts from the past”
● “I am living in my own hell”
● “The thoughts of suicide are becoming more common and I’ve started
to self harm again”
● “I am in a really low spot”
● “I look in the mirror and don't even recognize the person looking
back at me”
● “Painful flashbacks seem to be a more common occurrence”
● “I am a total mess. Then that fuels the fear of abandonment and cheating even more”
Do you wish you:
● “Knew how to deal with all the deep rooted issues” you have
● Could have a “complete revamp of my thinking, behavior and memories”
● You could “rewire my mind”
● ‘Stop searching for problems or creating them”
“Regular counselling just wasn’t enough”
The above quotes are real quotes as stated by Aspire Hypnotherapy B.P.D clients. DBT can be wordy and complicated to learn. Its complexity can be a barrier to learning the skills that truly can turn your life and your relationships around.
“Regular counselling just wasn’t enough” is a common statement. It is time to try something new to end your suffering. It is time to live a life worth living.
If you are in conventional DBT counselling but finding DBT wordy and complex, difficult to memorize and then implement, there is an option.
Learn DBT through Hypnotherapy. Visualize, imagine, develop confidence. Put the learned skills into use immediately. Instead of “learning” DBT, “implant” DBT into your subconscious mind.
Aspire Hypnotherapy offers a complimentary 30 minute consultation. Call 403.966.1122 today to learn how Hypnotherapy can help you manage your BPD and successfully and effortlessly learn DBT skills. End your suffering, find relief, save your relationships NOW!